my not-rules for nourishment
if you really want to know the "rules" i follow, here they are:
avoid drinking your calories (especially avoid sugar sweetened beverages).
this does not mean drink things with aspartame, since that can make you feel hungrier and is also likely toxic to your gut microbiome, and possibly a carcinogen. explore changing your tastebuds! drink coffee for the caffeine - not the sugar.
this applies to other sweeteners, too. ultimately it just becomes another substance to get hooked on.
fast regularly as an exercise in discomfort and becoming attuned to your metabolic wellness.
skipping meals is something our bodies evolved to do, and do well. we carry fat on our bodies as fuel, but if you never challenge your body to utilize this energy, being hungry will be VERY uncomfortable. lean into it - ask yourself what's hard about it. i prefer to skip breakfast.
eat enough to sustain movement, but not enough to accumulate body fat.
weight gain happens in increments of +100 calories/day – over a year, this accumulates to several pounds, and eventually you're overweight and then obese.
ask yourself how much you actually need. play with toeing that line. examine your thought patterns around food - do you have a scarcity mindset? where did that come from?
eat plants and protein at every meal.
eat a good variety! everyone needs quality protein, whatever diet you follow. a good rule of thumb is 0.7 g per lb of body weight (ideal body weight). if you are an athlete, like me, closer to 1 g (or even more!) per lb of body weight is better.
eat carbohydrates according to movement needs.
and try to get as many of those carbs from non-flour sources as possible (whole potatoes, beans, lentils, rice).
avoid foods that come in bags and boxes. avoid all ultraprocessed foods and fast foods.
see the NOVA scale for examples of this. this is NOT about punishing yourself, shaming yourself, or labeling foods as "good" or "bad". this is about nourishing your body in ways that feel good and fuel you to live well.
here are my favorite on-the-go minimally processed snacks:
- whole fruits
- raw zucchini, peppers, carrots dipped in greek yogurt +/- sriracha
- chomp sticks & righteous felon jerky, biltong (no sugar)
- neptune fish jerky (can be pretty fishy, you've been warned)
- misfits vegan protein bars (somewhat processed), barebells protein bars (processed)
- lupini beans, edamame or chickpeas
- nuts and seeds of any kind
- hard cheeses, raw or unprocessed
as often as possible, share meals face-to-face with loved ones. take thoughtful, slow time to prepare your meals and savor them.
food is more nutritious when you share meals with others! aren't our bodies magnificent?