i firmly believe that physicians should never be gatekeepers of information. our medical system disincentivizes us to take the time to educate patients because it is time consuming and is not as lucrative as prescribing/managing medications or performing a procedure. yet, unrushed conversation, and especially the ability to discuss health questions with a physician is highly valued by patients. this is one of the biggest examples of misaligned expectations and priorities in our healthcare system, and one that i believe contributes greatly to distrust of medicine. (and rightfully so! why should patients seek care in a system that does not value their own learning/understanding/inquiry about their health?)

here are some of my favorite resources that i use to continuously learn more about quality nutrition and food as medicine.

Color of Food: Nutrients, Phytonutrients, and the Whole Food Advantage - WholisticMatters
The Color of Food series is designed to improve understanding of phytonutrient and nutrient gaps and the whole food advantage.

phytonutrients - patient friendly resource from Standard Process supplements: the importance of eating the rainbow, in beautiful graphics that are easy to understand!

LEVELS – A Whole New Level
Listen to LEVELS – A Whole New Level on Spotify. Levels builds tech that helps people understand how food affects their metabolic health, empowering others with the tools needed to achieve health goals and improve health span. We host in-depth conversations with industry thought leaders with research-backed information, so you can take your health into own hands. Connect with us: Become a Member: https://levels.link/wnl Instagram: https://instagram.com/levels Twitter: https://twitter.com/levels LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/levels-health TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@levelshealth YouTube: https://youtube.com/levelshealth

LEVELS podcast - startup company using continuous glucose monitoring to emphasize patient autonomy in achieving metabolic wellness **probably most appropriate for healthcare professionals

Where Hope Grows
Listen to Where Hope Grows on Spotify. Welcome to “Where Hope Grows”, a podcast curated to celebrate the inspiring stories of ranchers, land stewards, and others working on the frontlines of the regenerative revolution. Inspired by the infinite wisdom of Mother Nature, our stories will ground you in a deep and profound way to the architecture of the natural world. With a recurring theme of collaborating and working within Her design, we are gifted with the reminder that Mother Nature’s capacity for healing is intimately connected to our own. These are stories about regeneration, gratitude, and connection. This is where hope grows. This podcast is made possible by the support of Force of Nature.

Where Hope Grows - a podcast from Force of Nature, a network of biodynamic, regenerative farmers and ranchers. This podcast teaches about the importance of soil/farm health and the journey food takes from its origins to your table, and how that affects our health and wellness. Big emphasis on spiritual and emotional connection to food and farming, and the reciprocal relationship we have to our Earth home.