dear future healer,

did you know

in northeast ohio,

along the roads between roller coasters and a biodynamic farm

there lies

a landfill?

and did you know

just over the hill

where the landfill peaks

and the vultures circle the hole of dead things

stuffed into the belly of the earth as if there were no limit,

did you know

that just beyond this hole of dead things

at the bottom you roll to a stop at

a farm?

a farm

whose land is bountiful.

did you know

just beyond this hill with a hole of dead things

this same body of land is patiently, annually

producing life-giving plants?

did you know

the same people whose cars idle for hours,

full of trash

who never bother to say thank you

to this generous belly

who accepts waste without complaint

did you know

these same idling people with their loads of trash

are fed by her forgiveness?

dear future healer,

whenever you doubt the power of healing

with a distant modality

using tools to attend to the mind, or the gut

when the PET scan showed

their cancer is in the bones

when you wonder

if the laying of hands to soften their shoulders,

if the needle in the crown of their head,

makes any difference at all,

do not forget that

healing a part

is part of healing the Whole.

whenever you doubt the point of trying to heal a body rotting from the inside out

may you remember this grandmother earth.

may you remember

the way she sees

each small, good deed,

each small, hopeful seed, patiently planted and lovingly watered,

each bottle recycled because someone bothered to help shoulder the load.

do not forget the way she weights the small, good deeds,

the way she forgives us for extracting her precious metals here, while stuffing her full of the carcasses of the used and abused things from last year, now wasted, over there.

do not forget the way that all the pieces of us are connected, communicating, forgiving

just the way that the belly of this earth gives and gives over and over again.