since passing my board exam i have relearned relaxation

languid, stillness, santosha.

i had forgotten how.

at first it felt easier to maintain the routine of studying,


the body does what it is taught.

“habits are cobwebs, then cables”

it is said.

beliefs are, too.

in this time of softening

allowing mind and soul to marinate together again

i watch tendrils of myself grow

finally brave enough to wander past the confines 


Supposed to




free to dream,

these wayward tendrils reach to the future

they imagine my future practice

its logo, a lotus

serenely supported, protected, surrounded by my open palms.


the upcoming twelve hour days

in which i am expected to daily strive for a fresh gold star of approval

leave no space or time to follow these vines

to wonder

what does it really mean to nourish, sustain, and heal?

i am expected to partake in a yearlong daily battle of bravado

wear my exhaustion like a badge of honor

to remind my attendings that this system chose correctly,

the sorting hat made no mistakes.

i’m tough enough.

i am expected to trade sleep and nourishment to accomplish as many tasks as possible

complete as many working hours as possible 

so as to impress my superiors as often as possible

apparently, self-deprecation is the yard stick by which the dedication of doctors in training are judged.

i wonder 

what kind of healing can be given,

can be learned,

when the healer-to-be is sickened in the process?

i used to know better

than to listen to what my soul and spirit need.

i would use scissors to




these wayward tendrils of mine

lest they take root

and anchor me

outside the safety and certainty of the prescribed process.

but my scissors are rusted now,

blades dulled from hours spent wandering the humid and salty coastline down under

damp air that nourished fresh sprouts

my wayward tendrils 

(once cobwebs, now cables)

that grew and grew

have now taken root

and anchored me.

07/2022 ~ written just prior to starting third year