incoming: healing stories

incoming: healing stories
6/9/24 ~ at my dear friend's 40th birthday bash in the High Country (yes, we met only two weeks ago, and yes, I daresay she is a friend for life). this rainbow is magnificent, almost unbelievable - all the colors! in the sky! - and so, too, is our bodily capacity to heal when we are connected, nourished, and cared for.

Dear reader, since arriving in the High Country I've met folks who have incredible stories of healing. People who have healed from cancer and Lupus - some who have healed twice. As I listened, I remembered the stories of patients and friends who kept me going through medical school. Their words were a light at the end of the tunnel, a model I committed to memory of the kind of healer I wanted to be. When I felt defeated, and wondered if staying on this MD path was worth it, I conjured up these kinds of stories to fill my heart and mind. It gave me hope that I, too, could be an MD who was not merely a strict, undeviating scientist, but also an artist, a healer, a guide.

The next series of stories are going to be interspersed with my regular blog, a "themed post" that you can search on the site with the tag words healing stories.

I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do. I'm playing with the idea of a few being audible. We will see.