dear future healer,

you were created from this earth.

carbon and hydrogen formed soil and water 

for plants 

that fed animals 

that became the building blocks for each part of you.

resist the urge to ignore the importance of your origins

or the critical importance of the daily ingredients you give to this living, breathing body

that is a perpetual construction zone

conspiring to be a better home for you.

each day you wake,

close your eyes and remind yourself

the first step, the next step, the destination

are not yours to control.

your only job is to slow down,

to listen,

to be guided by the rhythms 

that created earth, and you:

sunlight and sleep.

ebb and flow

of tides and breath and heartbeats.

dear future healer,

you were created from this earth.

you weren’t made to live, to heal

without surrendering to your roots

once in a while.